Sunday 26 September 2010

Textual Analysis 'Saw 3D' Teaser Trailer (Joel)

Saw 3D is the soon to be released horror movie, part of the Saw Movie series, which has called caused a frenzy of anticipation mainly from fans of the Saw films. This teaser trailer of the movie is quite effective and provides an insight of more horror and frightening games to come....

It may seem unimportant but the low key lighting in the majority of the trailer helps create the perfect atmosphere that is similar to the same experienced in the cinema. Low key lighting is a common TRADEMARK used in horror trailer because the effect it has on the audience is that it helps create terror to the audience.  It also seems that a blue filter has also been used with low key lighting which has no significant purpose but it add to the eerie effect. Flashing images was also used to which i think was used in sync with the captions so that it will alert the audiences attention when appearing rapidly onto the screen. If my group is to do something similar then we will need to think about people who may suffer from epileptic fits who suffer from flashing images.

The trailer does not allow the audience a lot of time to become familiar with audiences so facial expression and sounds used by the actors is essential. There is not a lot of dialogue used instead the typical noises you will expect to see in an horror film; screams, shouts and grunts and actors struggling for, which is perceived as their lives.

The camera angles used are quite basic but effective especially the first camera shot because it syncronises with the voice over. "A new design" a wide shot is used to show a car and then the movement of the camera zooms out and then a caption appears on the screen abruptly. A medium close is also used of what appears a typical blond actress which definitely expresses fear as the medium close up quickly transforms into a close up.

In this trailer non diegetic sound is the key because the voice over is undoubtedly the most valuable tool used because it is a recognisable voice from all of the Saw Movies this familiarises the audience as soon as the voice over begins. The punchlines that is delivered to the audience through the voice over synchronises with events in the trailer. Loud banging sounds are used before an important caption is promoted in the trailer such as 'All True Geniuses.' Soon the recognisable theme tune music starts and this hypes up the audience and encourages the audience to stay peeled to the screen to try and catch an important part of the new Saw storyline.

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