Thursday 2 December 2010

Our villian character (mariama)


Demented is anonymous man, who guards the college at night whilst going on a  frantic,uncontrollable, enjoyable killing spree , punishing students such as bullies, as he himself was tormented by bullies as a child , he gets a thrill out of watching society's young wrong doers die . Demented moves quietly but quickly, strongly built, lurks in the shadows.
COSTUME: Demented dressers as one of the students, blacked out in a puffy jacket, and a ski mask, we got the idea of covering his face with something from the character profile of Hannibal.We thought the ski mask would give him an edge.

WEAPON: most contemporary horror villains tend to use, fearful weapons such as a chainsaw used by the Leather face in 'The Texas chainsaw massacer'. or the claws used by the character of Freddy Kruger  'In nightmare on elm street'.
We went for a simple,everyday house hold tool, a screw driver, we felt that, that would make our villain different from others, an question such us 'where did he get that weapon from he works at the school?' would not be asked.

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