
Above are two different movie posters for the same horror film ‘ Halloween’ released in august 2007. At first glance we can see that both poster went with completely two different conflicting colours. In poster 1 they used, a low key lighting although the poster seams all lit up , compared to poster 2 in which they went for a high key lighting the main colour scheme for poster 1 was redish orange almost to represent fire and heat, and fire usually denotes danger or a horrific event in horror films, whilst in poster 2 they went for a colour scheme of white which for a horror movie poster is very unusually as white usually denotes peace and purity.without looking at the exact dates of release it would seem to me that poster1 tells the audience the climax of the storyline which involves heat and danger and poster 2 tells the audience the end where the character of Mike Myers is at peace after causing havoc. The two posters may have also been done to attempt to attract two different types of audience, poster 2 seems more peaceful may have been done to attract a more female audience or to be exact mothers , as they may feel that showing the images of fire is too much for there children to see, whilst poster 1 could be aimed at male teenagers who enjoy violent.
Both posters do not follow the contemporary colour scheme of other horror movie posters, notice how there is no image of red blood in either of the posters, even in poster 2 were there is a clear image of the character holding a knife, we as an audience still do not see the usually image of thick red blood instead there is an image of black stain which is suppose to represent blood.Both posters also do not follow the colour scheme of a dark midnight blue and black for there backgrounds. The image of poster 2 is of the character of Mike Myers looking away from the house which looks like its been drawn and almost smiling, showing that he is pleased himself, whilst in poster 1 the main image is of the character of Mike Myers, had resembled a huge flame, and in the image of the flame there separate images of what looks like the future victims of the character of Mike Myers , burning, it looks as if the victims are also representing the mask that he always wears. under the large image there is also a smaller images of the character of Mike Myers holding a knife facing the image of the house again looking like he is pleased with him selves and he is checking out his creation. So although they are two different types of posters I feel that they both still however denote the same message that the character of Mike Myers is pleased with the pain, suffering and destruction he has brought to others.
The heading or the title and the condense verison of the end credits ’Halloween are also different from each other. the positioning of poster 1 condensed end credits follows a more contemporary form of presenting them which is as the bottom unlike poster 2 which has it in the centre of the page, poster 1 and 2 also both do not have the title ‘hallowween’ at the top of the page instead the have it right on top of the condensed version of the end credits, and at the top of the page they have the tag lines. It seems that the layout of poster 1 and the black leading into the image of the flame was purposely done so that the main image of the poster would stand out more crabbing the attention of its target audience.
Notice how in poster 1 they used a San serif font for their film title whilst in poster 2 they used a serif font this again elaborates my point that these two poster are target at two different audiences . serif- fonts are know to be quite an old type of font whilst San serif are a more modern type of font.
It is ironic that the title of the film is called 'Halloween' which a celebration that usually happens in the autumn moth of October end and yet the film has been released in poster 1 at the end of the summer month of august, implying that they may have had to different released dates in two different countries.
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