This is the front cover of a American horror movie magazine ‘Fangoria’, notes how the magazine has bindery holes on the left side of it, it almost looks like is designed to look like the front cover of a note book . implying that this magazine is aimed at students to be precise male student , good student feel that their note books are very important to their learning, i feel like seeing from that perspective then the magazine front cover is implying that this magazine should be as important to them as their note books. I say that the magazine is aimed at the male gender because the magazine those not follow a what is contemporary known as a female magazine, also because of the colours used , through out the magazine we do not see colours that are usually connoted with the female gender , such as pinks and lilacs. Instead it seam that their is a disorganisation of colours use, there are mixtures of light and dark greens usually green connotes health but we don’t see that in this magazine, they also have red i feel the connotation of anger best fits the use of red, there are also use of yellows which usually connotes sunshine and happiness. If we look at this magazine using meaning of colours then it would seem that their is a misuse of colour however the use of these mixtures of colour give the magazine an almost puke green look as if the magazine is moulding an effect which is consistent with the zombie theme the magazine has going on as zombies are dead he and mouldy .
with masthead of the magazine is written in San serif font showing that this magazine is quite a modern one, the ‘A’s’ and the ‘G’ especially have sharp pointed edges, denoting that this magazine is rough and that their target audience is not a soft one. They have even tried to make the ‘O’ more pointed.
The main image of this magazine is an image of the character of mike Myers from Halloween notice how the masthead ‘FANGORIA’ is placed in front of his image with a bright red colour and white lining this shows that the image of the character of mike Myers is not as important as the masthead and that the editors of the magazine felt that it was more important that the masthead stands out. The other smaller images of the magazine front cover are consistent in showing the audience a continuity in theme i.e. Zombie looking scary characters.
Placing the cover lines round the main image shows that it is more important for the main image to stand out so that the main image can attract fans of Halloween. Cover lines such as ‘Rob Zombies’ exclusive set visit captures fans of ‘Rob Zombies’ attention and it also shows continuity between the main image and the cover line, it seams that the magazine has gone out of its way to attract a variety of audience.
At the bottom central image we see the use of high key lighting, however the use of low key light becomes visible, the more we get change our views towards the edge of the magazine front cover.
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