The group felt that it was essential that continuity was vital from the the trailer to the ancillary texts. We achieved this by using an actor from from our trailer in our teaser poster. This effective because it establishes that he is one of our protagonists with our audience. This will hopefully create some 'hype' around the trailer because the audience may anticipate the actors involvement in the film. Although it is not very clear that combination is being shown most audiences should recognise the continuity expressed in the teaser trailer to the teaser poster.
Continuity is almost used in all media products to link the various products with the main product e.g a film. It

Towards the end of our tailer we included footage that we intended to shock our audience. We hoped that this would be our most effective part of the trailer and according to our feedback this was successful. Therefore we thought that it would be the most effective of our ancillary texts because the image is similar but a more defined and quality image. This is effective because it allows the audience to familiarise with different areas of our products this is useful because it alerts the audience that these images will play an important part in the film. This incites the audience and causes them to try and fit together the significance of the image on the storyline.
Our soundtrack instrumenatl conisist mainly of a piano which quite well into our horror genre. We thought that this very important because during our research I noticed that many of the worlds most remembered horror or thriller films have a unique soundtrack with their film, to the extent that if the soundtrack is heard by itself the listener will subconsciously link it back to the film. This makes it a brand of its own due to the code and conventions that the genre holds.
The Dark Knight (2008) created a huge portfolio of posters that had a repetition of a blue filter either in their backgrounds or over their models. To this date the Dark Knight's viral marketing campaign is regarded as the most succcesful and remorable due to the catchy slogan, "why so serious" This slogan was used by the 'Joker' character. I think if we had used a similar technique to this then we would have been able tro create more a buzz around the media classes over our trailer. This slogan then led to more synergy being used which the introduction of Batman toys and video games to try and inluence the children to become 'Batman crazy.' Unfortunately we would be unable to do because our film is not targeted at a younger audience.
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