Below are some examples of the different types of sub-genres in the Horror genre, you may find that in most horror films there is a combination of all of them. As a group we have decided that our main sub-genre we would like to include with the horror genre is psychological.
Dark Fantasy:
Means a fantasy story that can have supernatural elements but is not the supernatural fiction of vampires, werewolves. etc .
"Erotic" or "Sexual Horror" usually means it contains a sexual content integral to the story. Erotic implys that it can be as mild as "romantic suspense", whilst Sexual implys the sex in horror can be far from nice or arousing. "Erotic" can be stretched to mean graphic, intentionally explicit sex in a story meant for a pornographic market. e.g
“Splice” (2009). which is about a Scientific couple make a kid in a laboratory from a random combination of animal genomes. Mommy scientist decides to secretly use her eggs. Daddy has sex with the kid that’s part human, part animal and part Mommy. Mommy finds out, and abuses the kid,the kid does not like being abused. Kid changes sex like an insect, captures and rapes Mommy.
It goes straight to the blood-and-guts and aims for the gross-out without hesitation. In trailers you might hear things like find terms like "gore," "grue," and "gross." e.g
"Inside Unrated" is about a woman who after four months after pregnant loses her husband in a horrific auto accident. She is visited on Christmas Eve by a mysterious madwoman.
Alone and desperate to save her unborn child, she fights to stay alive as each of her potential rescuers die at the woman's sadistic hands.
Quiet (or Soft) Horror:
Subtle, never visceral or too shocking, with atmosphere and mood providing the miasma of fear rather than graphic description. The opposite of "Extreme."
Usually set in an urban underworld of crime and moral ambiguity. Dark, cynical, paranoid themes of corruption, alienation, lust, obsession, violence, revenge and the difficulty of finding redemption in a far from perfect world. An oppressive atmosphere of menace, pessimism, anxiety, suspicion, and dingy realism. You'll also find the term in combinations like neo-noir, future noir or noir sf, tech-noir.e.g
"Lost Highway" is about Fred Madison, a saxophonist, is accused under mysterious circumstances for murdering his wife. On death row, he inexplicably morphs into a young man named Pete Dayton, leading a completely different life. When Pete is released, his and Fred's paths begin to cross in a surreal, suspenseful web of intrigue.
Psychological Horror:
Based on the disturbed human psyche, usually psychos going a on rampages fall into this category. Since the reader's perception is sometimes altered by exposure to an insane viewpoint, psychological horror can also deal with ambiguous reality and seem to be supernatural.
This includes rules of the normal world don't apply; ghosts, demons, vampires, werewolves, the occult etc. Within this sub genre is an ever-growing list of sub-sub-genres -- most of which deal with vampires.
paranormal activities2 is a family who experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", they soon sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.
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