Friday 26 November 2010

Audience Research (mariama)

                                        QUESTION 10-16

Which one of these story lines sound like a good storyline for a horror film?

a) a demented teacher who goes on a rampage around college  
b) an ex soldier looking for revenge on the soldiers who abandon him on the battle field   
c) an escape psychopath looking to seek revenge on the people who put him in the asylum  


What type of setting do would you prefer your Horror films to be based?

Realistic ( i.e parks house schools)  
Fictional ( i.e space, hell est.)  


 What is your favourite teaser trailer from the list below?



13) Out of the list of horror films names below what is the best one

the whispering   
the white board  
teach me to hell  


14) Do you like teaser trailers that use a particular colour scheme?


Don not mind

15) What colour scheme would like to see in our horror teaser trailer?

Other (Please Specify):

16) In horror films what gender would you prefer the victims to be?


We asked questions 10-16 because we wanted to find out from the audience what out teaser trailer should consist of  so that we create a teaser trailer our target audience would be eager to watch. 
The results of question 10 showed that our target audience prefer our demented teacher storyline, this gave us an idea on what story line to go on.
Question 11 us that more that half of our target audience preferred a realistic setting to a fictional one i.e based in school buildings rather than in a make believed spiritual place. 
The results of question 13 showed us that most people enjoyed the Freddy v Jason teaser trailer, this allowed us to look into reasons why they may have liked the teaser trailer.
Question 14 was important because we as a group wanted to know if it was important to use a colour scheme/filter for our trailer as such film trailers like paranormal activities 2 they used a blue filter to show night time on the CCTV like camera, however most people did not mind if a filter was used or not, so we did not have to restrict ourselves. 
Question 15 was just to see if people were to want a colour scheme/filter what colour would they want to see, most choose red.
For question 16 we wanted to see who our target audience would like to see as a victim, over 25 of our target audience would like to a female victim.

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