The 'Amityville Horror' movie poster is effective in advertising a film of this genre by making use of various techniques used in the horror genre.The most immediate thing noticable on the poster is the large red text toward the bottom of the poster used for the movie title informing the viewer the name movie. The text has clearly been computer edited and distorted for example the 'Y' of 'Amityville' is elongated to look almost like fire. The text used for the film title fits the genre of the movie in that the use of a dark red/orange creates connotations of blood or danger or even hell. Below the title the text says 'based on a true story', this is another method used in order to draw people in to watch the film as now they know it is based on a true story, this also gives an added sense of realism and horror to the viewer in knowing that it has really taken place.
To the left-side of the film title there is what seems to say 'katch em' & kill em' scractched into a wall or surface, this again draws the viewer in by leading them to wonder what is meant by this phrase, also the word 'katch' is misspelt reflecting the mental state of the character who is meant to of done this. This is also suggestive of the story line.
The poster has an eerie green tinge around the text and images which fades out to black around the edge of the poster. These colours add to the dark and forboding feel the poster is attempting to create. The image of the house is instantly recognisable from the orginal 'Amityville Horror' as this film is a remake, this is also an effective technique used to allow people to be reminded of the original film which fans may remember from their youth, this further entices people to want to watch the film to maybe see if it has lived up to the original as this is a common debate with classic film remakes.
The house looks very dark and uninviting, also the angle in shot is taken from is quite low, giving the impression that the house is looking down on you which is imtimidating, also maybe representing the power of the house and all that comes with it. The man seen in the image outside the house is obviously a character in the story-line, he is holding a shot-gun revealing his need to defend himself from someone or something as suggested in the title 'Amityville Horror'. The contrast of height between the man and house could also be representative of a power struggle between the unnatural goings on is the house.
At the top of the poster the text says 'from Michael Bay, The producer of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre' this is another useful tactic used to make people want to watch to the film by show boating the success of a previous film in the same genre. Toward the right-side of the masthead there is a faint image of a newspaper which the headline says 'she was possesed', this again gives a small insight into the story-line without giving much away. The poster uses low key lighting
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